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※ 本文為 TLdark 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2015-03-02 21:39:51
看板 C_Chat
作者 FlutteRage (FlutterShy的裡人格)
標題 Fw: [遊戲] 潛力無限的毀滅武器設計:Besiege
時間 Sun Mar  1 20:52:22 2015

※ [本文轉錄自 Steam 看板 #1KxLLu7f ]

看板 Steam
作者 FlutteRage (FlutterShy的裡人格)
標題 [遊戲] 潛力無限的毀滅武器設計:Besiege
時間 Wed Feb 25 12:54:09 2015

Besiege on Steam
Besiege is a physics based building game in which you construct medieval siege engines and lay waste to immense fortresses and peaceful hamlets. Build a machine which can crush windmills, wipe out battalions of brave soldiers and transport valuable resources, defending your creation against cannons, ...


潛力無限的毀滅武器設計:Besiege - YouTube
 蠻有創意的小遊戲,雖然目前還在alpha當中,不過可玩性質已經很高了。 類似樂高跟mincraft的遊戲方式,雖然在製作機器上沒有複製貼上功能。 但是大部分的基礎功能都以齊全,也看得出來還有很多地方可以擴充。 如果只是想玩搞笑的物...









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KerLae: 超難的,文組表示苦手Orz1F 02/25 13:16
SemiAuto: 我沒創意 玩不起來2F 02/25 13:16
edgar0407: http://goo.gl/xp2ZEY 魔人很多, 連導彈都出來XD3F 02/25 14:22
Besiege - Jiffier gifs through HTML5 Video Conversion.
cruise missile turns 90 degrees in the air ...

ttoy: 我記得有個外國人的實況影片超好笑XD4F 02/25 14:23
ttoy: 攻城車跑到一半還會自己斷掉 平衡感系統很微妙
shields5566: 3F那個工程力突破天際啦6F 02/25 14:25
ttoy: 3F那個我只想到太空梭XD7F 02/25 14:35
kuninaka: 3F好扯8F 02/25 15:35
jiangee: 3樓那個好神= =9F 02/25 15:54
fsforbidden: 導彈真的太扯XDDD10F 02/25 16:29
evilcherry: 想到太空梭正常,因為這遊戲是KSP那家出品的11F 02/25 17:15
gamesame7711: 洲際飛彈...12F 02/25 17:27
wuliou: 這超好玩的,不自覺就玩到半夜13F 02/25 17:44
clifflee: 之前有個報導是gg型攻城器集錦14F 02/25 17:48
The Spinning Carpet Bomber - Besiege Alpha Sandbox Gameplay Part 7 - YouTube Playing some more Besiege Sandbox Today! In this episode of Besiege I try to build a spinning bomber that lobs bombs across the whole map! I saw a .gif of th...

ikea2ibiza: 之前看到的地毯式轟炸16F 02/25 17:53
ikea2ibiza: http://i.imgur.com/4B0rI4C.gif 貼錯是這個
Carpet bombing
tryagain4x: https://i.imgur.com/ShvMFCZ.gifv18F 02/25 19:42
tryagain4x: gtx 970 in besige
CP64: 樓上那個 XDDDDDDD 好酸 XDDDDDDDD20F 02/25 19:54
wuliou: XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD21F 02/25 19:58
barery24: XDD22F 02/25 20:04
stfang925: XDDDDD23F 02/25 21:11
stfang925: 好想玩喔 快特價
stfang925: 唔 在a測嗎 先買好像不虧
ttoy: 我先買了QQ 7美金不算貴 我付了230台幣(已進位) 很有趣QQ26F 02/25 22:08
zxcv3147: 970超酸 XDDDDDDDDDDDDD27F 02/25 22:47
victor21813: 超酸XDDDD28F 02/25 23:11
Stone5566: XD29F 02/25 23:20
a1e: 那個地毯式轟炸太誇張了吧囧,那關我卡到快投降30F 02/25 23:20
efreet: GTX970...笑死XDDDDDDD  3F那個很強31F 02/25 23:44
e1472584: 三樓那個也太帥了吧32F 02/26 10:11
gohome0083: 970 XDDDDDD 酸爆了33F 02/26 13:10
clifflee: http://goo.gl/HEuxka  besiege男人本色34F 02/26 14:14
Besiege Players Have Built Some Amazing Dicks
Give people the tools to build whatever they want, and they'll probably create amazing technological wonders. Also, dicks. ...

clifflee: http://goo.gl/enVli2  也有許多很驚人的設計35F 02/26 14:15
Besiege Is More Than Just Dick Jokes
Oh look, people made funny things in Beseige. Haha, look, there are dicks in Beseige. If you haven't actually played the game, all you'd think about Besiege -- one of the hottest games on Steam right now -- based on what people are posting on the internet is that it's a joke game. It's actually anyt ...


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 轉錄者: FlutteRage (, 03/01/2015 20:52:22
bluejark: 之前看大天神快笑死1F 03/01 21:09

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