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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2018-05-16 22:22:07
看板 Gossiping
作者 relio (瑞哩歐)
標題 [問卦] 慶祝偷拍檢舉超過1000件(發錢)
時間 Wed May 16 22:05:46 2018










首先可以在【Google Play】或【APP Store】搜尋「SPY CAMERA」這個關鍵字,

可以看到許多「偷拍」的APP程式,這裡拿Android SC-OS3作範例。

【Google Play下載網址】
Spy Camera OS 3 (SC-OS3) - Apps on Google Play Spy Camera OS is published again. More candid than ever.Please update your SCOS to this latest app.SCOS have been downloaded by more than 1 millions usersA simple app to capture your perfect candid moment Spy Camera OS able to run in background, allowing you run any other app (e.g browser) while still capturing image/video in background.It will work even you turn the screen off.- Small and simple application, easy to understand- All image resolution option- Burst shot - Auto shot with delay setting- Face detection auto shot- Black screen (touch to capture)- Hide/custom* folder- Video Recording (Experimental)- Save to internal/external storage*- Widget for faster capture & more secure shortcut naming- Auto email sending- 4K video recording- Custom filename format- Integration with 3rd party app like Tasker & AutomateLanguage Contributors- English- Spanish (antieco)- Danish (DKTranslate)- Chinese (Jimmy Yu)- Greek (Fragiskos Leontis)- Deutsch (Christoph Puhl)- Italian (Marco Mandaliti)- Russian (Alexey Frolov)- Turkish (Sezgin Durmuş)- French (Angeek)Next Features- More advance configuration will be added- Submit your idea/code at XDA / email me

Spy Camera OS 3 (SC-OS3) - Apps on Google Play Spy Camera OS is published again. More candid than ever.Please update your SCOS to this latest app.SCOS have been downloaded by more than 1 millions usersA simple app to capture your perfect candid moment Spy Camera OS able to run in background, allowing you run any other app (e.g browser) while still capturing image/video in background.It will work even you turn the screen off.- Small and simple application, easy to understand- All image resolution option- Burst shot - Auto shot with delay setting- Face detection auto shot- Black screen (touch to capture)- Hide/custom* folder- Video Recording (Experimental)- Save to internal/external storage*- Widget for faster capture & more secure shortcut naming- Auto email sending- 4K video recording- Custom filename format- Integration with 3rd party app like Tasker & AutomateLanguage Contributors- English- Spanish (antieco)- Danish (DKTranslate)- Chinese (Jimmy Yu)- Greek (Fragiskos Leontis)- Deutsch (Christoph Puhl)- Italian (Marco Mandaliti)- Russian (Alexey Frolov)- Turkish (Sezgin Durmuş)- French (Angeek)Next Features- More advance configuration will be added- Submit your idea/code at XDA / email me






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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Q_3h3r8 (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1526479555.A.D48.html
henkyu: 我1F 05/16 22:06
Sougetu: 10個名額,乞丐快上呀2F 05/16 22:06
alex9708hero: 好3F 05/16 22:06
rttlac: 我4F 05/16 22:06
HateAnus: 讚!!5F 05/16 22:06
jamestracy: 推6F 05/16 22:06
henkyu: 頭推有對吧?7F 05/16 22:06
MissFaye: 賺多少啦8F 05/16 22:06
jamestracy: 推9F 05/16 22:06
imaclone: 推10F 05/16 22:06
appleonatree: 推11F 05/16 22:06
MA40433: 推12F 05/16 22:07
henkyu: 錢13F 05/16 22:07
s201: 好14F 05/16 22:07
skjkk: 推15F 05/16 22:07
naoku: 好16F 05/16 22:07
microuzi9797: 錢17F 05/16 22:07
xxxluke: 錢18F 05/16 22:07
longkiss0618: 乞丐來了19F 05/16 22:07
sbflight: 推20F 05/16 22:07
donkeyNew: 帥喔21F 05/16 22:07
iem2000: 推,積陰德啊,間接救了很多三寶22F 05/16 22:07
ppptttqaz: 讚啦 造福人群23F 05/16 22:07
ms0400281: 推24F 05/16 22:07
popobbs: 錢25F 05/16 22:08
xxxluke: 錢26F 05/16 22:08
knight77: 推27F 05/16 22:08
henkyu: 錢28F 05/16 22:08
bloodmickey: 感謝你的付出29F 05/16 22:08
nekoten: 推推30F 05/16 22:08
xxxluke: 丐幫幫主來了31F 05/16 22:08
jimflower: 檢舉死他們32F 05/16 22:08
wste: 水啦33F 05/16 22:08
henkyu: 錢34F 05/16 22:08
jimmy20642: 豪35F 05/16 22:08
apap: 錢36F 05/16 22:08
charliechao: 好37F 05/16 22:08
JiingNEW: 推38F 05/16 22:08
wang1b: 你在哪裡啊?39F 05/16 22:08
KG10525: 爽40F 05/16 22:08
adaawei: 讚讚讚41F 05/16 22:08
zero12395: 錢42F 05/16 22:08
JoseReyes: 推43F 05/16 22:08
blue155305: 乞丐快上44F 05/16 22:08
steve91240: 推 你很偉大45F 05/16 22:08
Yuwuen: 前46F 05/16 22:08
HJSEE: 有道理y47F 05/16 22:08
henkyu: 錢48F 05/16 22:08
searchmark: 推49F 05/16 22:08
StarCat76: 推50F 05/16 22:08
linyoyo: 推51F 05/16 22:08
steve91240: 這些違規死垃圾就是要罰給他死52F 05/16 22:09
Iakane: 感謝 臨停真的垃圾53F 05/16 22:09
LKKG: 推54F 05/16 22:09
nonightcat: 代表我們全家用路人感謝你的義舉55F 05/16 22:09
henkyu: 錢56F 05/16 22:09
legendd: 推57F 05/16 22:09
Germany5658: 可58F 05/16 22:09
sayurimar: 推59F 05/16 22:09
nonpro: 發60F 05/16 22:09
mecca: 推 好心有好報!!61F 05/16 22:09
t7556281: 好62F 05/16 22:09
david820317: 推63F 05/16 22:09
purplvampire: 厲害64F 05/16 22:09
sgtpepper: 錢65F 05/16 22:09
SayNoToPanda: 錢66F 05/16 22:09
LICENSE: QQ  感謝有你67F 05/16 22:09
DutchLord000: 推68F 05/16 22:09
Abishini: 推69F 05/16 22:09
hvariables: 好70F 05/16 22:09
henkyu: 推71F 05/16 22:09
AK00627: 推72F 05/16 22:09
oxy70267: 推73F 05/16 22:09
kkg870825: 錢74F 05/16 22:09
yitingted: 推75F 05/16 22:10
destiny3952: 爽  垃圾四輪76F 05/16 22:10
Donshy: 推77F 05/16 22:10
wer5895868: 推78F 05/16 22:10
janfat: 推79F 05/16 22:10
henkyu: 推80F 05/16 22:10
AGwet: 推81F 05/16 22:10
zxcbrian: 推82F 05/16 22:10
ggian123: 推83F 05/16 22:10
love0504: 錢84F 05/16 22:10
MurMurKing: 來吧85F 05/16 22:10
lovesohard: 推86F 05/16 22:10
d9633368: 推87F 05/16 22:10
kit279: 好喔88F 05/16 22:10
henkyu: 推89F 05/16 22:10
love0504: 錢90F 05/16 22:10
Apex88rs: 推91F 05/16 22:10
Eivissa: 推92F 05/16 22:10
mr955258: 推93F 05/16 22:10
fung58168: 推94F 05/16 22:10
kai3368: 讚喔95F 05/16 22:10
tamama000: 善有善報96F 05/16 22:10
qq05: 1000……97F 05/16 22:10
love0504: 錢98F 05/16 22:11
yulintsai: 推99F 05/16 22:11
love0504: 發錢100F 05/16 22:11
liziling: 推101F 05/16 22:11
chungminchun: 推102F 05/16 22:11
that82s3g: 推103F 05/16 22:11
wubai1119: 推104F 05/16 22:11
Tokiyo: 推105F 05/16 22:11
god060119: 檢爆那些智障三寶106F 05/16 22:11
love0504: 發錢啦107F 05/16 22:11
Phoenix9: 實用推,阻斷三寶!108F 05/16 22:11
elaine60535: 推109F 05/16 22:11
oldy: 錢110F 05/16 22:11
SydLrio: 推111F 05/16 22:11
henkyu: 推112F 05/16 22:11
lch123456: 推113F 05/16 22:11
love0504: 錢114F 05/16 22:11
etiennechiu: 推115F 05/16 22:11
sampo10102: 錢116F 05/16 22:12
tung3567752: 推117F 05/16 22:12
lottopop2: 推118F 05/16 22:12
ddddd014: 推119F 05/16 22:12
atpx: 謝120F 05/16 22:12
shadowy41145: 推121F 05/16 22:12
RealGeforce: 大推~很多人都以為檢舉交通違規有獎金可領122F 05/16 22:12
Philethan: PUSH123F 05/16 22:12
l2154050: 錢124F 05/16 22:13
A320: 推你!125F 05/16 22:13
roygg: 爽拉  違規的人吃屎126F 05/16 22:13
slimu0001: 支持你127F 05/16 22:13
henkyu: 爽喇 違規就不要怕檢舉 有叫小一點128F 05/16 22:13
HellFly: 純推 樓主善有善報 違停的死全家129F 05/16 22:13
awerte: 推130F 05/16 22:14
hawls: 推!!131F 05/16 22:14
ckc1215: 推132F 05/16 22:14
asgardgogo: 讚133F 05/16 22:15
bang59487: 推134F 05/16 22:15
shiny99: 拍下來還可以用這網址線上檢舉https://fixtw.com/135F 05/16 22:15
FixTW - 極速自動化交通違規檢舉服務
我們主張應讓「檢舉」變得像呼吸一樣簡單,並且經由優化送件流程,提昇承辦員警的效率。 ...

henry1915: 大推136F 05/16 22:15
guitarlee: 推137F 05/16 22:15
s30824: 推138F 05/16 22:15
numbpomplius: 推139F 05/16 22:15
ddlnm: 推140F 05/16 22:16
RossiBean: 推141F 05/16 22:16
NowArlili: 推142F 05/16 22:16
wtfhell: Wow143F 05/16 22:16
adman2002: 推144F 05/16 22:17
st86188go: 77777145F 05/16 22:17
darknote: 單純推感謝你的付出               p幣不用給146F 05/16 22:17
eeffbbjjoo: 不用拍到車內沒人嗎?147F 05/16 22:17
pepeboy: 推 台灣駕駛人素質真的低到一個不行148F 05/16 22:17
cosmite: 好人好事 台灣感謝有你 辛苦了149F 05/16 22:18
chiro1982: 推150F 05/16 22:18
NNisgood: 推151F 05/16 22:18
a963: 謝謝你!真心152F 05/16 22:18
cangyisu: 推153F 05/16 22:19
rainbow321: 水喔154F 05/16 22:19
Blue6: 我之前檢舉被退 ,說照片上要有年月日分秒,那用手機錄影也155F 05/16 22:19
D600dust: 看到第三句就噓了 講的好像公車是被違停逼才沒水準的156F 05/16 22:20
jim1122: 推157F 05/16 22:20
Blue6: 要嗎 我也想檢舉違停158F 05/16 22:20
maple5525: 推 違規被罰錢剛好而已159F 05/16 22:20
QQOQ: 推160F 05/16 22:21

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