作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [情報] 教士有可能2024去韓國打海外例行賽
時間 Mon May  8 01:39:26 2023


The Padres are on a short list of teams that could play a regular-season series
in South Korea in 2024, sources tell me and @Ken_Rosenthal. The games would be t
he first big-league regular-season games played in Korea. SD INF Ha-Seong Kim is
 among the country's most popular stars.



Padres, Dodgers likely to open season in South Korea next year - The San Diego Union-Tribune
A year after playing the first MLB games in Mexico City, Padres expected to take part in first games played in South Korea ...


The Padres and Dodgers conclude their first series of 2023 with a game Sunday af
ternoon at Petco Park.

When they meet for the first time next season, it almost certainly will not be a
 freeway series.

The plan, according to sources, is for the two National League West rivals to op
en the ‘24 season with the first MLB games ever played in South Korea.

The two-game series would be played in late March




倫敦:2023/6 2024/6 2026/6
墨西哥城:2023/5 2024/5 2025/5 2026/5
波多黎各聖胡安:2025/9 2026/9
東京:2025 開幕戰



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2023-05-08 01:39:26
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1aL-9HAm (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1683481169.A.2B0.html
Mingoeet: 阿金那個時候還在教士嗎1F 05/08 01:41
LSLLtu: 阿金那時不知道還在不在2F 05/08 01:42
zxc906383: 搞不好被交易掉了
2024是阿金的合約年3F 05/08 01:42
wh0386: 教士去韓國合理, 這幾年應該養出一堆韓國球迷5F 05/08 01:43
zxc906383: 他打擊回不去去年水準的話 教士應該會找更好的二壘手

或是Crony回二壘6F 05/08 01:43
ksutme: 2024去韓國很正常,台北大巨蛋又還沒正式啟用,等等賽程排了不能用就糗了10F 05/08 01:44
cobras638: 金那個時候還在教士嗎12F 05/08 01:45
Hard4Love: 阿金被交易掉的話Cronenworth回二壘就行了13F 05/08 01:51
starchiang: 只是有機會,沒肯定14F 05/08 01:58
zxc906383: 就算金不在教士 教士還是最佳選擇吧15F 05/08 02:00
shanaandlai: 金的身手 不怕沒工作吧 只是薪水高低而已16F 05/08 02:04
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 05/08/2023 02:11:00
Sechslee: 上次才取消17F 05/08 02:15
Pinohsin: 可以去韓國看大谷了(誤18F 05/08 02:25
nashQ: 希望可以在台灣看到我躲!19F 05/08 02:39
Arodz: 台北大巨蛋一OK就會來了吧20F 05/08 04:26
ru0701: 教士道奇 這組合還能有更好的嗎 頂多就天使來吧 大谷24也不一定在天使了21F 05/08 08:42

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