作者 polanco (polanco)
標題 [分享] 紅襪願意聽取Alex Verdugo的報價
時間 Mon Jul 31 13:39:16 2023

As trade deadline approaches, Red Sox listening on Alex Verdugo (sources) - masslive.com
With Tuesday's trade deadline approaching, the Red Sox have expressed a willingness to listen on Alex Verdugo, according to sources. ...


SAN FRANCISCO — The Red Sox have expressed to other clubs that they’re willing
 to listen to offers for outfielder Alex Verdugo ahead of Tuesday’s trade deadl
ine, multiple sources told MassLive. A source with another American League team
confirmed the Sox inquired as to whether Verdugo would be of interest to them.

多個消息來源指出紅襪隊向其他隊表示願意聽取Alex Verdugo的報價

At 56-49, the Red Sox are expected to, for the second consecutive trade deadline
, look to buy and sell ahead of 6 p.m. ET on Tuesday. While the club is known to
 be looking for pitching upgrades to fortify its chances in the AL wild-card rac
e, they’ve also signaled a willingness to move pieces off the major league rost


Outfielder Adam Duvall, a free agent after the season, is a natural fit to be mo
ved because the Red Sox have a surplus of outfielders (three spots for Duvall, V
erdugo, Masataka Yoshida and Jarren Duran). At least two clubs — Atlanta and Ph
iladelphia — are known to have interest in Duvall.

今年即將FA的Adam Duvall是個很合適的人選,因為紅襪外野手太多了,已知至少兩隊(勇

The Red Sox, though, could make a more outside-the-box move and deal Verdugo, wh
o is under team control through 2024. Chief baseball officer Chaim Bloom said la
st week that his clear preference is to add controllable players, and not rental
s, in any deals he makes this month. Boston could dangle Verdugo in such a scena
rio in an effort to sell high on a player who has had a good season (before a pr
olonged recent slump) and might not be part of its long-term core.

不過紅襪可能幹更大的事:送走Verdugo。Chaim Bloom上週就表示他傾向於交易來還能控制

Verdugo once again confirmed Sunday that no contract extension talks have taken
place. The emergence of Duran and Yoshida as controllable outfield starters, as
well as the eventual arrival of versatile prospect Ceddanne Rafaela, may make th
e Red Sox feel comfortable with the possibility of moving on from Verdugo. It’s
 likely the Red Sox would be in search of a young, controllable starting pitcher
 who, together with the emergence of Brayan Bello, could headline the rotation f
or years to come.

加上新秀Ceddanne Rafaela距離大聯盟不遠了,讓紅襪有餘裕交易Verdugo。紅襪的目標可
能是年輕且控制期長的先發投手,未來能與Brayan Bello一起帶領先發輪值。

Verdugo got off to a great start at the plate, hitting .307 with 26 doubles and
an .856 OPS in his first 72 games. He has slumped for a prolonged period, enteri
ng Sunday having hit just .143 (11-for-77) with one double, seven RBIs and a .44
6 OPS in his last 21 games. The Red Sox have dropped Verdugo down in their lineu
p to accommodate Duran in the leadoff spot and even sat Verdugo for a two-game s
tretch earlier in the week in an attempt for him to reset.


Doing that also gave them a look at Duvall in right field alongside Duran in cen
ter in what would be the outfield alignment for the final two months of this yea
r if Verdugo were to be traded. Verdugo has shown great improvement on the defen
sive side of things this season, with manager Alex Cora calling him the “best d
efensive right fielder” in the majors earlier this week.

今年最後兩個月的中右外野陣容。Verdugo今年的防守進步很多,Alex Cora在本週誇他是大

Verdugo is making $6.3 million this season, making him an affordable option for
any team looking for outfield help. He will get a substantial raise this winter
in his final turn through arbitration.


Honestly, I don’t care. I don’t care,” said Verdugo Sunday morning at Oracle
Park. “Whatever happens, happens. I really don’t care about that stuff. I’m h
ere playing, I’m with the Red Sox. I thought the same thing when I was with the
 Dodgers. I thought I wouldn’t get traded and I ended up getting traded. This i
sn’t my first time and I feel like once you get traded, you don’t care. You do
n’t care.


“I want to stay with the Red Sox. I want to be here. But at the end of the day,
 it’s a business and all I have to do is go out and play. I separate (the game
and the business.)”



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: polanco 2023-07-31 13:39:16
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1anqa6Bf (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1690781958.A.2E9.html
asdfzx: Devers呢?1F 07/31 13:43
userYuEyUe: Verdugo這一個月大低潮2F 07/31 13:44
jeff1013: 交易扯Devers做啥==3F 07/31 13:46
l5i9hbba: 小胖都簽長約了…
Verdugo開季爆炸表現以為這季長出來 結果這1.2月又沒了..4F 07/31 13:46
Jaguarsu: 該把devers交易看紅襪迷會不會把芬威給翻了,什麼鬼問7F 07/31 13:47
O10lOl01O: 外野的確有點多 三個正選+韓仔就夠了9F 07/31 13:47
mayzn: 很像Bloom會幹的事..Dugie人不錯,不過生意就是生意~10F 07/31 13:47
O10lOl01O: 而且外野也比較好補11F 07/31 13:47
l5i9hbba: 是說故事回來 內野輪替也要做選擇吧12F 07/31 13:48
jeff1013: 紅襪內野要做啥抉擇== 連JT都拿去守2B了13F 07/31 13:50
youngpaper: 感謝翻譯14F 07/31 13:50
jeff1013: 故事回來如果能順利扛SS 不就Arroyo跟張育成看誰狀況好站2B 想搞火力最大化時就偶爾讓JT去守2B15F 07/31 13:52
k385476916: 一樓說什麼笑話17F 07/31 13:52
a0921830077: Sale躺傷兵躺到我都快忘了他還在 想說紅襪都沒投手18F 07/31 13:55
kevinsun0423: 回我躲吧。19F 07/31 13:56
Minihil: Sale原本有機會趁今年出清的 結果投個幾場就沒了20F 07/31 13:57
gama: Devers都綁了跟他有什麼我關係==21F 07/31 14:09
happychacha: 最近超鳥  亂揮一通22F 07/31 14:11
gn7722: 願意聽部長的報價嗎?23F 07/31 14:18
murmur38: 最近好爛 fb放bn好幾場了24F 07/31 14:38
pages: 表現不錯的verdugo是在那個時空看到的25F 07/31 14:40
leoncurry30: 打爛才想要丟掉,這個要怎麼賣26F 07/31 14:53
kskid: FB持有 已經爛很久了 賣相很差27F 07/31 15:04

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