作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [情報] 綠帽預計之後的團隊薪資水準?
時間 Wed Apr 10 13:07:56 2024

Even if the A’s actually spend in Sacramento, which players are taking their money? - The Athletic
The Athletics' claims that they'll raise payroll while playing in Sacramento don't add up. And would anyone even want to sign with them? ...


In January, team president Dave Kaval said, “We’re budgeting numbers we think
are in the higher side of the league” once they get to Las Vegas. On Monday, he
 reaffirmed the A’s intent to spend. “We plan to grow our payroll ahead of our
 move to Las Vegas, and once we are in our new ballpark, we plan to have a top-t
ier payroll,” Kaval said in a statement to The Athletic.

一月時,綠帽總裁Dave Kaval說他們到拉斯維加斯後




A person briefed on the A’s plans in January said the team intended to carry pa
yrolls in the $130 million to $150 range during the ramp-up period before they r
elocate to Las Vegas, then $170 million-plus once they move into their new fixed
-roof stadium.



沙加緬度 130M-150M

拉斯維加斯 170M

Kaval declined to confirm those numbers at the time.

Dave Kaval拒絕確認這數字的真實性


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2024-04-10 13:07:56
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1c5XwkNc (MLB)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1712725678.A.5E6.html
richard1003: 除非挖到石油XD1F 04/10 13:52
ChrisDavis: 本來就有錢只是不想花而已2F 04/10 14:23
Sechslee: 先花了再說3F 04/10 14:29
uranusjr: I'll believe it when I see it4F 04/10 14:35
taxlaw1991: 先拿沒花的預算去Vegas賭一把看能不能變出錢來?5F 04/10 14:37
bananacookie: 綠帽現在有誰值得續大約嗎,不然等FA誰信他們花大錢6F 04/10 14:53
azlbf: 過120M就差不多了吧 170 不可能7F 04/10 15:21
carlchang092: Fisher不窮吧只是不想花而已8F 04/10 15:29
azlbf: 如果是提前續約 Zack 跟Joe吧
但綠帽其實也可以直接開13年500M給Soto9F 04/10 15:31
polanco: 跟老闆說今年會加薪差不多11F 04/10 15:39
ashilol: Ruiz怎麼在3A 去年不是練整季了12F 04/10 15:48
mightymouse: 想在自由市場花錢也要問人家想不想來吧13F 04/10 16:08
Roshiel: 真的花錢再說(哈欠)14F 04/10 17:12
bestteam: 剛搬家先砸錢做面子機率蠻大的啊 馬林魚剛成立也砸過錢15F 04/10 20:08
Spartan5566: 嘴巴講講誰都會16F 04/10 23:50
andynanpa: 綠帽這幾年的操盤早在FA跟經紀人間把名聲完全搞臭了吧,加上接下來幾年的飄泊日子, 哪可能有一線FA想去啊, 農場先養出扛霸子再說吧17F 04/11 02:15
smoo: 弄個木頭,看誰能把它從OAK搬到沙加緬度,再賞金給他,看能不能挽回名聲20F 04/11 09:23

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