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※ 本文為 topchris.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-01-18 22:17:10
看板 SuperHeroes
作者 alljerry04 (Jas)
標題 Fw: [討論] 蝙蝠俠vs超人延期
時間 Sat Jan 18 10:09:38 2014

※ [本文轉錄自 movie 看板 #1IsTjXwc ]

看板 movie
作者 alljerry04 (Jas)
標題 [討論] 蝙蝠俠vs超人延期
時間 Sat Jan 18 09:39:43 2014


The official reason given in the Warner Bros. press release was so that the filmmakers could have more time to “realize fully their vision, given the complex visual nature of the story”.

原定 2015 7 17 延期到 2016 5 6


2015 又是 Marvel 年了 QQX

'Batman vs. Superman' delayed until 2016 - Batman News
Warner Bros. just announced that Batman vs. Superman has been delayed until May 6th, 2016. Earlier this afternoon, Batman News reported that Ben Affleck su ...

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◆ From:
alljerry04:2015 無法看到 DC 對決 Marvel 了 QQ1F 01/18 09:40
billblack:還好拉 不要跟JL一樣變無限期就好了2F 01/18 09:47
※ 編輯: alljerry04      來自:         (01/18 10:07)

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 轉錄者: alljerry04 (, 時間: 01/18/2014 10:09:38
biglafu:寧可慢慢拍 然後拍好一點1F 01/18 13:16
RIOTlimp:DC搞不好在2015改推個奇兵角色來作劇情銜接呢!!2F 01/18 19:00
asakuranaoko:GreenArrow大螢幕~3F 01/18 20:47

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