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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-12-05 21:34:30
看板 movie
作者 dcheng202 (nO1dC)
標題 [討論] 神力女超人選角出來了!
時間 Thu Dec  5 13:03:44 2013

Breaking: Warner Bros and Zack Snyder have found their Wonder Woman. They’ve
cast Gal Gadot in the iconic role and she will be part of Batman Vs.
Superman, the film that will see Henry Cavill square off with Ben Affleck.
Zack Snyder stated: “Wonder Woman is arguably one of the most powerful
female characters of all time and a fan favorite in the DC Universe. Not only
is Gal an amazing actress, but she also has that magical quality that makes
her perfect for the role. We look forward to audiences discovering Gal in the
first feature film incarnation of this beloved character.

簡而言之 由超正以色列小姐Gal Gadot擔任神力女超人角色,也就是玩命關頭裡的
Gisele。說到這,讓我想到paul walker..已哭..


Newcomer Gal Gadot Set For Wonder Woman In Batman Vs. Superman’
IMDb, the world's most popular and authoritative source for movie, TV and celebrity content. ...

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◆ From:
ray8082:謝謝分享,不過op了…1F 12/05 13:08
tomshen:在第六集嗎?我還沒看耶=_=...2F 12/05 13:09
※ 編輯: dcheng202       來自:      (12/05 13:10)
※ 編輯: dcheng202       來自:      (12/05 13:11)
maverickming:超正 不過奶好像不夠大3F 12/05 13:37
rycd515:過瘦 也沒奶4F 12/05 13:38
kyo06:想不到這麼快就這麼多英雄要登場,DC還真急啊5F 12/05 14:01
qoo60606:修了就有了 不用怕6F 12/05 14:05
freddygarcia:女神!!!7F 12/05 14:17
bullock:正就好了!!!!!!!!!!!!!!8F 12/05 14:23
skyapple:Gal讚啦~~~~! (總覺得Gal和Thirteen的氣質有像到)9F 12/05 14:27
HOLLYQOO:夠正是真的,不過胸部落差有點大10F 12/05 14:27
nbahoop:吉賽兒!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11F 12/05 14:34
siyabear:沒屁股沒奶,差那麼多,片商根本只是以人氣在選角12F 12/05 14:38
JimloveJill:奶太小13F 12/05 14:46
goodevening:no 我還是推alison brie http://ppt.cc/4Jt~14F 12/05 15:15
heroine | Ben Wilsonham
Posts about heroine written by Ben ...
goodevening:alison brie又正 又凶 還天然呆 明明就最適合15F 12/05 15:17
newfolder:這胸部 到時候可能要墊很多層胸貼喔...16F 12/05 15:17
BF109Pilot:不錯喔  還帶有點東方美17F 12/05 15:32
xmann:太瘦,過貧18F 12/05 16:14
mysmalllamb:胸部可以後製, 整體魅力更重要啦19F 12/05 16:18
windowdoor:太乾了~!!!20F 12/05 16:26
qoo2002s:貧乳讚\(////)\21F 12/05 16:27
kakyou10:夠正 >/////////<22F 12/05 16:41
taiwan540:Jaimie才叫真的適合 為啥不找他T_T http://ppt.cc/vw3d23F 12/05 16:43
NANJO1569:無法想像續集有了蝙蝠俠,又馬上塞進神力女超人!!!?24F 12/05 17:08
wolfganghsu:我覺得Jaimie Alexander很適合26F 12/05 17:42
k721102:應該找Olivia Munn才對 http://ppt.cc/VUSK27F 12/05 17:59
AOTS - Kevin Pereira and Olivia Munn's Costumes from Comic-Con 2009 - YouTube Skit from Attack of the Show. Please checkout my book. The link to Jade is as follows:

KYOROD:沒胸部........29F 12/05 18:35
digimaster:臉跟動畫版的還蠻像的 http://youtu.be/qmlPm3KlVlM30F 12/05 18:41
Wonder Woman Animated Movie: Birth of the Hero - YouTube
The clip depicts the moment when Diana becomes Wonder Woman and sets off to America to return Steve Trevor and face off against Ares. Wonder Woman comes to D...

alljerry04:啊,原來 Zack 的發言這篇有貼了XD31F 12/05 18:54
megad0952:要為戲練出六塊肌嗎32F 12/05 18:59
shine2gogogo:不夠健美…也不夠前凸後翹33F 12/05 19:01
Purekim:雖然很正 可是他太瘦了吧XD34F 12/05 19:02
mizuno0330:也太單薄了吧XD35F 12/05 19:03
sagiko:Jaimie Alexander比較適合+136F 12/05 20:10
yeadean:以色列正妹!!女神呀!!37F 12/05 20:10
sdf88523:其實她胸部也沒那麼小 只是比較少穿胸罩罷了38F 12/05 21:21

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