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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-12-15 00:44:06
看板 Beauty
作者 gg22098 (Ginger)
標題 [正妹] Xbox one 語音女生
時間 Sat Dec 14 14:53:42 2013

剛在看Xbox one介紹語音功能時,看到蠻漂亮的外國女!

Xbox One: How Fast We Did 50 Voice Commands - YouTube
We've had an Xbox One for awhile now and as a test we wanted to see how quickly we could get through 50 voice commands. Here are our results.







※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
lovegogi:你是看到她扣子快繃開了吧(誤)1F 12/14 16:01
EBOD081:野生der綱手2F 12/14 16:15
bypetty:一樓怎麼會這麼想勒        \其實是想幫她解開3F 12/14 17:08
fromia:Naomi Kyle4F 12/14 18:47
supershoot:5F 12/14 22:41

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