作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [情報] 酒鬼球場翻新案進度(政府補助6.14億鎂?
時間 Tue Sep 19 11:48:12 2023

Republicans propose $614M in public funds for Brewers' stadium upgrades - ESPN
Republican legislators announced a bill Monday that would devote more than $614 million in public funding to repair and renovate the Milwaukee Brewers ...


Republicans propose $614M in public funds for Brewers' stadium upgrades
Associated Press

MILWAUKEE -- Republican legislators announced a bill Monday that would devote mo
re than $614 million in public funding to repair and renovate the Milwaukee Brew
ers' stadium -- far more than taxpayers spent to build it more than two decades



Under the proposal, the state would give the team $60.8 million next fiscal year
 and up to $20 million each year after that through 2045-46. The city of Milwauk
ee would contribute a total of $202 million, and Milwaukee County would kick in
$135 million by 2050.



The team would contribute about $100 million and extend its lease at American Fa
mily Field through 2050, keeping Major League Baseball in its smallest market fo
r another 27 years.


According to a Legislative Fiscal Bureau memo attached to the legislation, baseb
all operations at the stadium currently generate about $19.8 million annually in
 state and local taxes. That figure is expected to grow to $50.7 million annuall
y by 2050, according to the memo.



The proposal would have to pass the Republican-controlled state Assembly and sta
te Senate and get Democratic Gov. Tony Evers' signature before it could become l
aw. Evers' office issued a statement Monday saying he looked forward to reviewin
g the proposal.


並得到民主黨州長Tony Evers簽署

Tony Evers的辦公室週一發表聲明,表示他期待審查該提案。

Evers proposed giving the team almost $300 million in the state budget in exchan
ge for the team extending its lease by 13 years, to 2043. Evers would have pulle
d the money from the state's $7 billion surplus, but Republican lawmakers killed
 the plan after Vos said he wanted a longer lease extension.

州長Tony Evers直接曾提案為球隊提供近3 億美元補助

以換取球隊將租約延長到2043 年



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2023-09-19 11:48:12
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1b2Hd-0l (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1695095294.A.02F.html
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 09/19/2023 11:49:09
sean12345678: 看吧!美國翻修球場只要政府補助6億,大聯盟耶!1F 09/19 11:49
tayajojo: 這樣大概多少天營養午餐2F 09/19 11:51
amos30627: 人家也是六億3F 09/19 11:53
DFTT: 美國人:我們的政府很有錢吶4F 09/19 11:59
MrNeverDie: 有停車場嗎?5F 09/19 12:11
LLLLLyx: 哀 密爾瓦基大秘寶只要6億 反觀6F 09/19 12:12
everybody417: 中職又領先了7F 09/19 12:12
LondonHot: 護航仔又想偷換概念
美國社區球場都屌打新竹啦8F 09/19 12:15
xo1100: 奧客蘭:10F 09/19 12:17
nolimits: 美國真有錢11F 09/19 12:21
a27783322: 反12F 09/19 12:21
nolimits: 197億台幣翻修在台灣不知道會被說成怎樣13F 09/19 12:22
beoneg: 在台灣會被換算成可以提供多少份營養午餐14F 09/19 12:25
PeterNorth: 6億美金欸 反觀台灣12億就要有mlb水準的井蛙仔15F 09/19 12:51
tommy123310: 樓上又在偷換概念
連公園水準都沒有16F 09/19 12:53
cloud241: 誰說要mlb水準啊 但是起碼得要有河濱球場水準吧18F 09/19 12:56
ryan21100879: 在台灣會被噴爛 12億元就要有mlb水準的球場19F 09/19 13:15
jino01: 施工成本 人工 都是美金結算;新竹球場估計是給冥紙吧!20F 09/19 13:16
scott29: 反觀21F 09/19 13:30
ted0217: 12億比6億多 不管啦22F 09/19 14:29
babosa633: 9+0主場23F 09/19 14:31
CHADA: 不管啦 12>624F 09/19 14:35
rahim: 在台灣就有人要來挖大秘寶了吧25F 09/19 16:20
rsy: 明明還沒驗收~放在那邊爛八個月不要求廠商改善~再來嫌他爛到底是廠商問題比較大還是政府?
按正常流程改善有機會趕上明年賽程吧?現在繼續擺爛要拖多久26F 09/19 16:50
nakayamayyt: 差不多就把稅退回給球隊這樣29F 09/19 16:56
Sawilliam: 還在跳針MLB水準 現實就公園等級好嗎..30F 09/19 17:00

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