作者 piyo0604 (鯨魚騎士)
標題 [情報] 聯盟戰棋 14.5戰利品系統修改
時間 Mon Feb 26 17:38:58 2024


Coming in 14.5 - Loot Distribution System Overhaul

Back when we first introduced the loot orbs all the way in Set 1, the item and
 gold drops served the primary purpose of offering variance into the game.
Some games you would have a gold opener, other games you might be down some
components but get a spatula, and it was up to your skill to show how you used
 those differing resources each game to try to win. It served its purpose for
the time, and was met with success.


But as time went on, our understanding of TFT has changed a lot, as well as
tons of new systems and features that add variance to the game. Players have
learned that gold early is a lot more powerful, and how to use that to get
advantages. At the highest level, the slightest difference, or sometimes
larger ones (tome drop from gold orb) can be the deciding factor. So we agree
it's time to move past that and focus on a more fair loot system.


So the first major change her is that at every PVE stage, all players will get
 the same quality and quantity of orbs. This means if you get a gold orb and
two blue orbs, everyone else in the lobby also got a gold orb and two blue
orbs. There should never be a moment where you feel like the game cheated you
or you're just at a massive disadvantage due to bad luck. We think this should
 help the game quite a bit.


However, this isn't to say all variance is gone. If every game was a 3 item 6g
 opener into 2 items and 10g into 4 items, etc...the game would get pretty
stale fast. The loot system does still need SOME game to game variance to make
 each experience unique and increase the combinatoric possibility of outcomes.
 So variant drops on each round are back, and you never know what you will get
 each round. This means gold openers for example, are back. But again, if you
get a gold opener, everyone got one. But no two games should feel the same


Finally, we also think that a Tome and 10g from a gold orb aren't the same, so
 we rebalanced every orb to be more fair, and based on when they appear. For
example, the contents of a Gold Orb on Stage 2 is going to be different than
what's in them on Stage 4. And finally, we are introducing a new Prismatic Orb
, which includes some pretty high roll drops including the Masterwork Upgrade.
 (Turns an item into a radiant item). This in conjunction with augments and
portals should make the game to game experience pretty exciting. A bedge
silver augment game can still get woken up by a Prismatic Orb drop!


We're excited to keep improving TFT and it's core systems, and think this is
another step to continuing on that path. We'll be using the next month to fine
 tune the system as well as we head into the next set, so it seems like the
perfect time to try it out on PBE or Live and let us know what you think. I'll
 also post the current drops for each orb in the post below, so take a look. I
'll also be streaming 14.5 PBE this weekend, so you can try it out with me!


We're also talking about this now because there's so much coming with the new
set soon! Can't wait to talk about it. Until then, have a great weekend, good
luck TFT competitors, and take it easy :)




好啊,我現在才發現這是2/23的東西 笑死

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: piyo0604 2024-02-26 17:38:58
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1bt5mqtQ (LoL)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1708940340.A.DDA.html
darkestnight: 什麼時候要把轉職假人這糞圖拿掉1F 02/26 17:40
xiaoxing0228: 轉職假人好玩啊 比賽觀賞性也很夠2F 02/26 17:45
Gaud: 你覺得轉職假人糞,但他是最多人選的圖,連大師積分場也是3F 02/26 17:53
low0511: 轉職假人超多人選欸5F 02/26 17:59
joejerry: 這表示不會再有任何一個時刻會讓你覺得這個遊戲在搞你  嘻嘻6F 02/26 17:59
AAAAAA60211: 轉職就開場決定勝負8F 02/26 18:03
aa851202: 明知道轉職假人非常靠賽,但大家還是想當一次賭狗9F 02/26 18:03
GGinin5566: 感覺戰利品系統要改看過100遍 這次是確定了吧10F 02/26 18:04
ttmm: 假人讚讚必選11F 02/26 18:05
baltimore: 轉職假人超好玩好嗎12F 02/26 18:06
piyo0604: 他說PBE可能還會微調 所以... :)13F 02/26 18:12
rainnawind: 調整方向上中肯到滿滿聖光 這真的是戰棋設計師嗎14F 02/26 18:14
dos01: 轉職假人就制裁公式仔 多那個徽章能讓一些東西變超強 但前提是你要知道那東西強15F 02/26 18:21
TPPlazycow: 我每次排到菁英都一定選假人 反正完本就要老八了不如直接去賭運^^17F 02/26 18:21
poboq0002: 轉職假人確實好玩19F 02/26 18:25
RaysMoon: 只有一樓覺得假人糞嗎……20F 02/26 18:28
piyo0604: 其實我也不喜歡打假人啦 但是那是因為太可怕了 笑死21F 02/26 18:30
※ 編輯: piyo0604 ( 臺灣), 02/26/2024 18:37:06
yusheng0423: 轉職假人超糞22F 02/26 19:05
darren2586: 轉職假人就套皮的淨水監獄23F 02/26 19:22
PRCXi: 上次拿到鄉村電子速射,開場就知道高機率老824F 02/26 19:29
d0922030: 戰利品掉落不一樣真的很靠北 流浪假人超好玩
看一堆拿差不多的互卷一起下去很爽25F 02/26 19:38
Gavatzky: 推翻譯27F 02/26 19:41
joanne1452: 只有我覺得比起假人 全彩更糞嗎28F 02/26 19:57
TPPlazycow: 假人是淨水監獄那什麼金級終章算什麼。。29F 02/26 20:21
GGKen: 玩牌就是在賭 當然要再開個假人30F 02/26 20:24

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