作者 frowning1226 (法利昂)
標題 [閒聊] 帝王時代,精銳橋頭勇士 respect!
時間 Mon Jun  3 21:43:36 2024

We have built a strong battlement along the frontier of the battlefield in
Ciaotou since the TSMC army invaded Kaohsiung last August.

With god's grace and blessing, the perseverance and dedication of each
selfless Elite Ciaotou Warrior has culminate to the long-awaited victory
at last.

However, it's not yet the time to let our guard down,
as another emerging threat of TSMC has risen with its remaining force continue to retreat down south.
As such,we must start a new defense line along Zuoying to other southern area.

Now we are at the crossroads again.
The wave from other storm still strike us.

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness.
it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity.
it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness.
it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.
Which will it be? The fate lies in your hands!
With the unwavering faith, we will undoubtedly make history again in no time!!

A glorious victory will soon become yours.

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: frowning1226 2024-06-03 21:43:36
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1cNSYAt- (home-sale)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/home-sale/M.1717422218.A.DFE.html
※ 同主題文章:
[閒聊] 帝王時代,精銳橋頭勇士 respect!
06-03 21:43 frowning1226
sqera: 跪求中文版1F 06/03 21:49
mark0204: Ciaotou2F 06/03 21:53
frowning1226: 抱歉,手機打得怎麼字會跳掉...XD
馬上改!!謝謝3F 06/03 21:53
※ 編輯: frowning1226 ( 臺灣), 06/03/2024 21:58:21
GetMoney: 這題我知道,郝是哆5F 06/03 21:59
e2699096: 關鍵字 tsmc , kaohsiung6F 06/03 22:01
ceca: 我只看的懂repsect怎麼辦7F 06/03 22:01
frowning1226: 我很認真地融合星海,世紀and total war!!!8F 06/03 22:03
sqera: 橋頭勇士我們要死守防線9F 06/03 22:04

stand!! start a new battle field if possible!!

deepdish: 讚 留言 分享10F 06/03 22:06
skyg: 北高到底還有哪裡能買,橋頭沒房賣了,楠梓說封盤,左營也說封盤,怎麼一堆地方在封盤11F 06/03 22:11
CIIIO: 都封一封從60開始賣啦 一直封13F 06/03 22:14


frowning1226: 仔細找還是有啦...沒這麼誇張@@
而且有些是話術...14F 06/03 22:15
※ 編輯: frowning1226 ( 臺灣), 06/03/2024 22:20:24
maxboy06: Respect16F 06/03 22:28
sspider0829: 整篇=問94買17F 06/03 22:31


yihua2: So which properties do you recommend in the Zuo
 Ying area?18F 06/03 22:35

several choice,pick one!!

primroser: 是不是橋頭開一間水果攤和夜市就可以升級帝王時代?20F 06/03 22:38


kevinkc4: 很明顯的CHATGPT文章21F 06/03 22:40
buike: Can I buy the 14th Redevelopment Zone of Taichung? Bro22F 06/03 22:41

i strongly love 14TH.you know my answer my bro!!

cblade: 什麼時候可以升到眼鏡蛇車23F 06/03 22:48

how do you turn this on
※ 編輯: frowning1226 ( 臺灣), 06/03/2024 23:09:03
alonzohorse: 我想問一下橋頭有被蓋牌嗎?24F 06/03 23:04
frowning1226: 你說未來市嗎XD25F 06/03 23:09
aaaaa011235: 又瘋了一個26F 06/03 23:11
NTU303150195: 皓哥說賺錢不要笑27F 06/03 23:11


DSB520: 本地人等著外地人來墊高 洩洩28F 06/03 23:11
NTU303150195: 堅守你的嘴角29F 06/03 23:11
DSB520: 里長早通知大家都別賣房地產了啦 科科30F 06/03 23:12


TheDream: Respect!31F 06/03 23:13


newiwgp: 工三小...XD32F 06/03 23:18
Wallen: 世界學準備要開賣了吧?
world learning33F 06/03 23:20


mfcke: whosyourdaddy35F 06/03 23:33


william826: 窩中文還行 英文不太好36F 06/03 23:46


bms: Say some facts, ok?37F 06/03 23:47

i say what i believe... XDDD

iloveapple: 看不懂38F 06/04 01:13
※ 編輯: frowning1226 ( 臺灣), 06/04/2024 01:20:20
DLLMCFH: I dunno WTF r u talkin abt39F 06/04 07:31
RachelMcAdam: 為什麼很多人愛抄雙城記40F 06/04 08:44
kusomanfcu: 爽到在唱歌了41F 06/04 09:43
floatfaith: 收到打收到!!! 雖然我有些要google 翻譯!
但關鍵字有看到啦!42F 06/04 10:10
chouwang68: Stable勒,做一批韃靼騎兵出來掃地。h,c;e,…太久,忘了。44F 06/04 11:06

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