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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-05-28 19:41:29
看板 NBA
作者 ra52094 (數碼奇異)
標題 Fw: [情報] 一段感人的報導
時間 Tue May 28 18:58:46 2013

※ [本文轉錄自 Spurs 看板 #1Hf6_0VR ]

看板 Spurs
作者 keepstudying (keepstudying)
標題 [情報] 一段感人的報導
時間 Tue May 28 16:50:05 2013

>From http://goo.gl/OG58c
Tony Parker makes good on vow to send Tim Duncan and Spurs back to NBA Finals - Yahoo! Sports
With a dominating 37-point performance, Tony Parker led the Spurs to their fifth NBA Finals and a sweep of the Grizzlies. ...


Tony Parker makes good on vow to send Tim Duncan and Spurs back to NBA Finals

MEMPHIS, Tenn. – They had stood in that losing locker room in Oklahoma City
a year ago, and Tony Parker made Tim Duncan a promise that would carry these
San Antonio Spurs all the way to Monday night. I'll get you back to the NBA
Finals, Parker vowed. We aren't done. You aren't done.


It was late Monday, and Parker's eyes looked like they might well with tears
as he recalled that moment. He had a 2013 Western Conference champions hat
atop his head, having made good on his promise to send Duncan and the Spurs
back to the Finals with a stirring 37-point performance in a 93-86 victory
that completed a four-game sweep of the Memphis Grizzlies.


Duncan "remembered [the promise] and reminds me every time we passed a
playoff round," Parker told Yahoo! Sports. "He said, 'We're going to ride you
to the end.'


"Timmy means a lot to me. I learned so much from him. From the first day I
arrived in San Antonio he's always had my back. He's a very good friend, very
close to me on the court and off the court.


"Our first championship we were riding him. He was our franchise. I feel very
blessed because now it's my turn to try to bring this team to the end. If I
can do that for him, it would be … unbelievable."



"In 2007, we won our third one in five years, and you think it's going to
keep coming," Parker said. "And I'm 25, and six years go by and every year it
gets tougher."



"He's amazing and he's evolved so much over the past couple of years," Duncan
said of Parker. "To get back to this point with him at the helm, I'm just
going to do everything I can to get these four games in and try to win four
more for both of us. Obviously, he's carrying the load and he said he was
going to get me back here. It's a lot of fun to be back here."




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◆ From:
keepstudying:這段故事讓我想起當時Robinson傳給Duncan的過程1F 05/28 16:51
tzongyao:感動淚推!2F 05/28 16:55
joumay:這支球隊是怎樣啦~~~ 老是上演催淚小劇場~~~ XX的啦~~~3F 05/28 16:58
marcoyao:還沒結束!!!這只是另個開始!!!馬刺團隊加油4F 05/28 16:59
RJefferson:Manu:5F 05/28 17:00
ManuGinobili:   QQ6F 05/28 17:01
zho71:Manu來了7F 05/28 17:02

※ 編輯: keepstudying    來自:       (05/28 17:07)
wadeawp:可借轉總版嗎?8F 05/28 17:09
sexyboy00085:淚推 QQ9F 05/28 17:14
a981196:真的想哭,再拿四勝吧!10F 05/28 17:17
keepstudying:喔~轉吧~ :)11F 05/28 17:21
※ 編輯: keepstudying    來自:       (05/28 17:24)
wadeawp:轉錄至看板 NBA                                          05/28 17:24
Accross:已哭!12F 05/28 17:34
sa0124:謝謝翻譯!13F 05/28 17:36
charles0202:已哭14F 05/28 17:38
wadeawp:冏 手殘自D15F 05/28 17:42
momoforever:QQ16F 05/28 17:42
keepstudying:你想再轉的話,就轉吧 :)17F 05/28 17:42
jb49:眼匡紅了 哭哭 想起大羅+118F 05/28 17:50
TimManu:兩個"真"年度第一隊的對話! Parker:還我MVP來~~19F 05/28 17:51
batman2113:真摯的隊友情誼,希望馬刺好好休息之後可以再贏四場!20F 05/28 17:54
jack7614614:哀 好感人的畫面21F 05/28 18:09
jb49:今天賽後看到TD跟Manu頭頂著頭說話我都快哭了 十多年的友情22F 05/28 18:15
jb49:在NBA這種利益掛帥的賽場中 能一起打拼十多年多不容易啊~~~
justblackJ:感動!!!24F 05/28 18:37
yuriaki:推總冠軍賽無敗 過去如此 未來也如此25F 05/28 18:44
Nesterovic:想起大羅+126F 05/28 18:50

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 轉錄者: ra52094 (, 時間: 05/28/2013 18:58:46
hazel0093   :球隊氣氛好 反觀某黃色球隊只買的到巨星 得不道人心1F 05/28 19:06
ldstar      :反觀某老大只會送麻繩罵隊友 難怪球隊越打越鳥2F 05/28 19:07
Joey818     :反觀□□  拿過冠軍還一盤散沙3F 05/28 19:07
lave70      :相隔六年再度回到Finals 可真不容易4F 05/28 19:07
same60710   :反觀某人把努力跟隨他的隊友拋下自己跑掉5F 05/28 19:08
kungen      :這邊也可以牽扯到老大6F 05/28 19:08
Drexler     :黃色球隊什麼都是用錢搞定啊  不怕不怕7F 05/28 19:10
eric0925a   :淚推刺魂不滅!!!! 馬刺隊從上到下真是NBA的典範QQ8F 05/28 19:11
fantasyyx   :反觀某對老大 只會顧著自己的老大地位 發麻繩9F 05/28 19:13
lampardoRio :想起TD的合約:如果我被交易  我就要帶趴車跟鬼切走10F 05/28 19:14
www2967     :靠 排擠光頭就對了!11F 05/28 19:14
moonshen    :第一段「你還也沒」是啥鬼....12F 05/28 19:15
Rocobiceps  :還是要淚推13F 05/28 19:17
ard         :基友魂!14F 05/28 19:17
tsunghsu0404:退休後,討論的不是拿了幾個冠軍、MVP,而是奮鬥的過15F 05/28 19:23
alttwin     :團隊籃球才是正途,頭過框爆扣、空中拉幾竿都是假的17F 05/28 19:24
SULAjardin  :現在TD對Parker做的事, 就是以前大羅對TD所做的...18F 05/28 19:28
ccneptunecc :刺刺跟某壺老大就是不一樣XD19F 05/28 19:29
obscure     :推真摯的友情 (不過為何換成熱火就被解讀成甲甲情?)20F 05/28 19:29
avrilrock   :這就是我愛馬刺的原因~~21F 05/28 19:31
mesoshuaila :推22F 05/28 19:32
ABJones     :喜歡馬刺的原因+123F 05/28 19:33
NicoRobin26 :還以為馬刺又去看電影了24F 05/28 19:37
forbeat     :馬刺迷推~25F 05/28 19:38
shena30335  :推1樓~同感26F 05/28 19:39
icou        :去年真的很可惜,今年加油!27F 05/28 19:40

※ 看板: sayumiQ 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 180 
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