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※ 本文為 terievv 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-02-07 19:24:13
看板 WoT
作者 WillieHuang (Willie)
標題 [情報] 2/6 Q&A
時間 Fri Feb  7 02:45:00 2014

- Storm confirms, T49 will come this year (SS: T49 LT is a project to upgun
Walker Bulldog with 90mm)

Storm 證實美帝 T49 輕坦(華克猛犬升級90mm主砲的計畫)會在今年推出。

- Sheridan appearing in WoT? “No chance”

打死不會出 M551

- Storm is not happy with the fact that a tank can “disappear” when not
moving and “reappears” when it starts moving again, he thinks about
changing this somehow

Storm 對「停車後會突然消失,移動時又出現」的狀況感到不悅,有打算改它。

- vertical aim aid will be optional (SS: as in, you will be able to select
where you aim horizontally too, I can’t remember how this damn thing is


- Storm states that various way of fighting illegal mods and software like
CRC checksums and memory detection are “not easy to implement and not
effective”, they are apparently easy to bypass

Storm 表示許多檢查非法模組/軟體的方法,像是『循環冗餘校驗』或『記憶偵測』都不

- there will “relatively soon” be a “big new mode for clanwars”


And a big change:

Developers decided to remove the 12th battletier in 8.11 (SS: If you don’d
understand what that means, refer to wotwiki). The reason for it is that “it
is really cheap means of reducing the tier 8 waiting times and giving
additional incentive for grinding tier 10 vehicles”. Apparently, this was a
player idea, that got considered and was found good.

(SS: effectively it means tier 8 vehicles will see more of tier 10′s in
their battles, this will not affect tier 8 premium vehicles)


- it’s possible that open-topped vehicles might be nerfed (by 2,5 percent or
so), but their crew get an “open-topped” skill bonus to compensate (so
people don’t complain about not being able to use the ventilation on them)


- KV-5 will not return to the ingame shop apparently

KV-5 不會在遊戲中的商店重新上架


        In church, they say to forgive!

        Forgiveness is between them and God;

              it's my job to arrange the meeting.           《 Man on Fire 》

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
blakespring :這樣打T10場壓力小了1F 02/07 03:15
batterykugua:CRC checksum 好像是檢測資料是否被動過 (不確定2F 02/07 03:24
NanaMizuki  :crc就hash的一種 比較有名的hash檢查就是md53F 02/07 05:38
paul1220    :襙 T8分房還不夠爛嗎?4F 02/07 06:12
jonathan836 :差點看成美國那台T49TD要有90mm....抖5F 02/07 07:38
wuchianlin  :T49有90mm我就             現在去練一隻6F 02/07 09:21
Theo57      :T8要GG啦...請往T7&T9疏散7F 02/07 10:13
wingmouse   :T8金車不會被影響...是用什麼機制隔離掉那些T108F 02/07 10:35
hitlerx     :靠妖 這是在整八階車啊~ XD  Lowe跟T34表示難過9F 02/07 11:01
ccc73123    :很簡單啊 調整T8金車的分房係數就好 或是直接用分房10F 02/07 11:05
ccc73123    :保護不會上10階場
hensury     :8階車沒有覺得等太久過阿... 那些人都是清晨玩嗎12F 02/07 11:06
hitlerx     :但Lowe跟T34被分房保護就OP了 XD 反正我沒有T8金車13F 02/07 11:15
※ 編輯: WillieHuang     來自:      (02/07 11:24)
udm         :這樣只要有T10車就能瘋狂洗數據了...每場都頭車...14F 02/07 11:31
udm         :每場都能虐菜,而非被高手虐....
udm         :然後T8玩家要打上去,除了過高的經驗,還要場場被虐
korsg       :所以KV-5真的要絕版了嗎?17F 02/07 12:18
Skx         :KV-5意思應該是指不讓你用金幣買,要掏錢買吧。18F 02/07 12:32
ccc73123    :也沒到瘋狂洗數據的程度吧 其實現在隨機也很少19F 02/07 12:46
ccc73123    :12階場阿 打一整個晚上頂多遇到兩三場12階而已
ccc73123    :大多都是11階阿
Pegasus99   :開霞飛進12階才真的想死www 不是被巴恰抓到秒殺就是22F 02/07 13:52
Pegasus99   :點亮一下下對方第六感啟動又縮回去了
blakespring :12階場不就純T10場?24F 02/07 18:00
blakespring :!! 霞飛還真的可進T12
jamesnatsumi:183可以秒殺更多車lol26F 02/07 18:04

※ 看板: terievv 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 177 
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