作者 JoshSmith (賈詡。史密斯)
標題 Re: [情報] 公鹿炒掉總教練Adrian Griffin
時間 Wed Jan 24 07:53:46 2024

※ 引述《XXXaBg (對的事情做一千次)》之銘言:
: https://x.com/wojespn/status/1749880710268416120
: BREAKING: The Milwaukee Bucks dismissed coach Adrian Griffin, sources tell E
: N.
: 公鹿炒掉總教練Adrian Griffin
: https://i.imgur.com/lwmLfEB.jpg
: The Bucks are expected to make assistant Joe Prunty interim coach, sources t
: l ESPN.
: 公鹿預計先指派助教Joe Prunty作為臨時總教練
: - - -
: https://x.com/shamscharania/status/1749881028385354050
: Doc Rivers has emerged as a serious candidate to become the Milwaukee Bucks
: w head coach, sources tell @TheAthletic @Stadium.
: 老河成為總教練的主要候選人
: https://i.imgur.com/2ITgOYl.jpg
: 好扯 才半季欸

Bucks coach griffin is being accused of being responsible for the death of his
 grandson by his son’s girl. She says that she left her son at their house an
d he left the kid in the basement by himself. She’s been campaigning on socia
l media for them to be held responsible for it. Tough spot for aj griffin to b
e in. With his dad and brother’s family in opposite sides.


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: JoshSmith 2024-01-24 07:53:46
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1bi56CUz (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1706054028.A.7BD.html
laptic: 網址?1F 01/24 07:54
zombiechen: 關在地下室?!2F 01/24 07:56
candbilly153: 什麼鬼啊3F 01/24 07:57
munchlax: 沒有整件事的來龍去脈,只有單方面的說詞7F 01/24 07:58
m122e: 女方留小朋友給阿公顧 然後阿公出包?8F 01/24 07:59
KaiHavertz: 隨便一個路人的留言都能發一篇文喔,你要發就發你的ig9F 01/24 08:02
ts012108: 只有照片  等著被刪吧大哥11F 01/24 08:04
hanslins: 找不到新聞12F 01/24 08:04
hughjetman: 先觀望13F 01/24 08:06
Xenogamer: 都真假不知了還PO 學某些網紅嗎14F 01/24 08:07
dd1115dd1115: his son’s girl是啥意思15F 01/24 08:08
z789252: ?16F 01/24 08:08
kilmmy149: 這樣也一篇哦17F 01/24 08:10
nameless22: his son’s girl=他兒子的馬子18F 01/24 08:13
NowQmmmmmmmm: 這個是很之前的消息了是撥接逆19F 01/24 08:17
interestbi: 真假不知是欠噓吧20F 01/24 08:19
Duke0218: 他其實是要來接攻城獅總欸啦 真假不知21F 01/24 08:21
2-year-old grandson of Bucks coach Adrian Griffin dies - ESPN
The 2-year-old grandson of Milwaukee Bucks coach Adrian Griffin died Saturday after the child's father found him unresponsive earlier in the day. A lo ...

abcde010710: 真假23F 01/24 08:26
sedellchan: 回一篇真的,真假不知的回文,厲害,有當記者的潛力24F 01/24 08:28
simon0529: 真假不知一篇文25F 01/24 08:29
giebin: 但國外NBATV和NBAONTNT的ig也都公佈這消息耶
https://i.imgur.com/Tk4i7lN.jpg26F 01/24 08:39
awcoke: 這兒子應該不是老鷹去年那位新人吧?29F 01/24 08:43
crv921: 26樓在回什麼? 上面是在質疑 引用那篇是不是真的你放開除消息?30F 01/24 08:46
ZIDENS: 我先轉待證 會不會被其他板主刪我不知道32F 01/24 09:16

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